Winter Sippers

Bundle up, put on your good slippers and come grab some of these winter sippers. Hibernation should be enjoyable, right?

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Thanksgiving Essentials

The France 44 staff is weighing in on their favorites for one of the most important food and beverage holidays of the year! Check out what’s always on our table for Thanksgiving, from bubbles to bourbon.

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Ginger-y Beers

As we march steadily towards the holiday season, the crisp chill of the late autumn air makes us crave something with a touch of spice — Ginger beer.

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A Tale of Two Brewers

While everyone associates märzenbiers and fiestbiers with the fall season, their Austrian cousin is often forgotten. Vienna lagers—cut from the same cloth—deserve your attention this fall.

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Beers of Obscurity

This quest for the obscure has roused many brewers’ creativity, aiding a resurgence of demand for some uncommon beer styles that you might not be familiar with yet.

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Gifts for Dad

From the ultra-cheesy to the thoughtfully meaningful, everything on this list is 100% bona fide for the paterfamilias in your family. 

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